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Driving up my driveway this morning, I see my fierce hunter (Boogie) following stealthily behind a chipmunk. I stop - get out - shoo the cat in one direction and try to shoo the chipmunk in the other direction- to give it a fighting chance. The damn chipmunk does a U-turn on me - straight into the waiting jaws of Boogie. ????? Karma? SMH

Lavergne 8 Oct 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Sorry pecan crop this year...our squirrel family has slim pickins...our chihuahua will spend time seating watching it until the squirrel will finally come down to play..Lilbitty will chase it around the trees, then it will chase Lilbitty for awhile. They are best buds.


Squirrels used to like to make noises in a tree in my backyard staring at my yellow lab, Taylor, with the clear intention of harassing her. It drove her nuts. Some time later Taylor and I were walking along a creek near my house. We rounded a corner and surprised a squirrel who was a little too far out in the open. Taylor got her revenge and had that squirrel in a heartbeat. She was, however, disappointed that I wouldn't let her kill it. Squirrels shouldn't be so sarcastic!

OCJoe Level 6 Oct 17, 2018

Some years ago, a tree fell down in my neighborhood. Near the top, there was an aerie and a lot of questions answered about missing Boogies and Fidos. Hope Boogie's days in the sun are many.


Just so ya know , outdoor cats are responsible for wiping out hundreds of animals, and have actually decimated whole bird populations in some areas. All outdoor cats - even the well fed ones.

I won't even go into all the things that happen to the cats ...

Boogie sits in the birdfeeder. Goofball thinks because he is black he is invisible. The birds around here have gotten wise to all the feline trickery. I understand - its the whole circle of life thing. But I still don't like it. hahaha


Some people don't want to be saved.



He got Chip......and Dale

@Lavergne impressive

@Lavergne it's dark there

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