There are actually people in this country that think climate scientists worldwide are full of shit when it comes to climate change. But, there's this rodent in Pennsylvania that we're going to ask how much longer winter will last. Let that one sink in for a minute. Happy Groundhog Day.
Huh....maybe they will care when the groundhogs are extinct. Probably not though.
Hey. Phil is talking weather, not climate. The viewpoints only marginally overlap. So there.
Years ago I heard of a statistics professor in Boston that thought it would be a good idea to ask their class each day if it would rain or not then help them keep track. It turned out that the class was more accurate than the local news. But then they thought Wait a minute, this is Boston. What if we just said rain every day? It turned out that assumption beat both the class and the news for accuracy. Lol.
Haha haha...America in a bit science...but an animal