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If I were President and had the support of Congress, I would...(fill in your wish list here!)

hugh 5 Oct 19

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I would expand the rights of the disabled, make that inhumane fad of calling the police on people who are minding their own business a jailable offence, create as many science offices as possible, abolish the Electoral College and Citizens United, and shore up the separation of church and state. I would be very busy.


I would do the following:

  • Do an health insurance for all --with PPO options for others who want more healthcare. But no one should have to die cause they can't afford Insulin.

-as unpopular as this would be, I would institute a flat tax and everyone has to pay it. No tax breaks if you are rich, you pay the same as everyone.

  • free and healthy lunches for all school kids k-12. No child should go hungry in school.

  • support teachers in their efforts to help teach the next generation. The education budget, would become just as much as we spend on the military.

  • support science through education and fund space technology.


I would make a native American Scholar president, I would employ a bounty of scientist and intellectuals based on the premise that reality is just that. Humanity is vital to our survival as well as being decent.

EMC2 Level 8 Oct 19, 2018

I would make climate change the overwhelming issue to tackle.

gearl Level 8 Oct 19, 2018
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