Why is the sale of killing tools worth losing moral high ground by saying the gruesome death of a human being is less important than money? Where are all the Christians to say, "i believe in saving human lives" i guess they only mean that for human fetuses. And trump said it's ok. Fully grown people? Their human lives aren't so valuable. So anyone can torture and kill anyone they want as looking as they are giving us money?
Jesus can cure all these diseases? Why doesn't he just prevent them in the first place?
i've always wondered that
@StrongHappySilly , @coralisthree - Box office sales prices.
Christianity is now run by USDA Certified wack jobs
The OREO picture makes me think of Communion wafers.
melt in your mouth, not in your hand
@coralisthree - Oh, I like this liturgy much better.
@DoDapper heheheh