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So long, and thanks for all the fish 🙂

I enjoyed visiting this site when it had relatively-few members (some of whom I really connected with), but the last few months has seen it become less intimate, with so many banal posts and questions from members looking to score points (which I always detested) that I rarely visit now. I wish you all the very best, but I've decided that this site isn't for me. That's all folks! Over and out.

zanyfish 6 Feb 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Hey, I'm really sorry to hear that the site experience has changed for you. I agree that as we grow, the velocity of posts increases and it is harder to form relationships with other members. We are working on some projects to address this. The first one will be "groups" where members can discuss specific topics. The plan is to have them live sometime next week. Happy to hear your ideas on how we can improve the site! 🙂

We don't need to build a hyperspace byway here...

Admin Level 9 Feb 2, 2018
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