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Further evidence that Putin is running our country?

The New York Times: The Issues That Russian Operatives Used to Divide Americans, in Their Own Words.

Condor5 8 Oct 20

Enjoy being online again!

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How much more evidence do we need? Time to act!

I mailed my ballot in today. I have no other outlet of influence.


It certainly aligns with the divide & conquer strategy of the Republican Party..

Varn Level 8 Oct 20, 2018

It continues and the trump cult refuses reality. I often think that the US will never allow this garbage but unfortunately I am proven wrong. I so dearly hope we hold onto our nation as we have known, Such as before trump, when it was great.

EMC2 Level 8 Oct 20, 2018

The Republican/Evangelical coalition has a clear agenda, and will do anything to realize it. They want to preserve the "One nation under god" bullshit at whatever cost. That the Russians are surreptitiously facilitating that is of absolutely no concern to them.

@Condor5 They believe journalist are fake and have no idea their jesus is fake, As a non believer, I adore and support what jesus asserts. It is truly the way we all need to live, but they twist the legend and support hatred.

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