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Is there a thing as black "privilege"? Ofcourse if you are black in a society whose bigger percentage are different from you,you would say there's no black privilege but as humans,we know better--if you doubt me ---look no further than British colony--Uganda (other people may say that's tribal privilege but again--I say they are blacks. right?

Humanlove 7 Feb 3

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If we want help the Black Folks especially in the inner city we need to put industry in the proximity, and offer training courses so they have access to good paying jobs🙂


All different groups, no matter what form of segregation, will find certain perks for being a part of that group in certain places, amongst certain company.

You are on point.


We are all one family of human beings and there should be no privilege for anyone. Every human should have and enjoy the same rights and privileges as another.(IMHO)

You are right.

I despise the "privilege class", "royalty", etc. They are just leaches.


majority usually trumps all

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