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What are your thoughts on the Honduras refugees heading to our border?
I actually have a friend who insists it's a huge political setup to make Trump look bad once they arrive. Likely funded by some democratic powerhouse. They must be housed, fed, supplied by someone.


Nichole765 7 Oct 23

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Smells more like the work of donnie ducklips and his crew of repulsicans, funded by the Koch Bros.


Let them in is my opinion. Nationalism is the tool of fascists.


If a fly, or a rabbit or a dear crosses an international isn't illegal then why is a human being. They are in need, as someone who handed my greencard, they can have my place. If you are fortunate to be American then you have a responsibility to share. Help stabilise their country and help them return home...if they want. I lived in Nogales in AZ and no one sat around being idle. They worked hard, as do the Poles and Romanians here in UK.


Your friend is like many people on this site. Rather than this caravan making Trump look bad it is most likely going to make him, his wall, and his dumbass supporters look good. Is it strange that this arrives just at a time of mid terms? I don't think so.


Tell your friend I want whatever he's or she is smoking.


Helps explain, in part the crisis that we have helped create. I love this country, but we do some insane, awful things in this world. And when it comes back and bites us in the ass, we complain!

@Veteran229 Truth is truth. You can't hide from it.


I recommend you watching the following Documentary...


I am not seeing any mention of our policies in these countries that allow for corruption. We, the good ole USA have done a lot to contribute to the instability of these countries in the name of money. And yes, if you speak to these poor people, they are running for their lives and the lives of their children. I am appalled at the unkindness of the people posting on this thread. These are human beings.


Aren’t we all in our comfortable first world countries just a bit callous about others who want a better life. Someone in a post underneath here described these people as living in shithole countries and therefore cannot be classified as refugees just because they want out. This is absolutely true in some cases, but not all , and it seems to me to be lacking in any humanity. It is not their fault that they have the misfortune to have been born into a “third world shithole” to use his words. It is a human impulse to try to provide a better environment for their families, would you just stay in a violent and poverty stricken country if you could see a possibility of getting into ‘big, rich U.S. of A”? Yes there must be immigration rules, and every country has a duty to protect their borders from illegal immigrants arriving, but let us deal with them in a humane and understanding manner and not speak of them as though they are less than human. It is laughable to suggest that this is in any way being paid for or induced in any way by enemies of Trump. Paranoia and conspiracy theory madness it seems is rampant within Trumpland!


Definitely bad for Dems, no matter how they feel; remember the evangelical mantra of what would Jesus do: keep out all non whites, with an ar15 if need be. Do unto others if they aren't like you. Strike first. And, aside from the awful mussies, and those other pagan religions, especially them asians, there ain't much worse than the god pretending catholics, except maybe them jews.


The only non-immigrants here are Native Americans. None of the Europeans followed the Native's immigrations laws. We saw land we wanted and we took it by force. By murder and genocide. So stop the self-righteous act.
Legal entry now takes about 21 years. That is the wait. (
So legal entry is not an option. The guy swimming the Rio Grande wants a shot at a better life for his family. Just like the pilgrims did. At least the Hondurans are not bent on genocide the obtain the same thing most of our ancestors did. So let's drop the self-righteousness.

@Veteran229 Well, that explains why those friendly Native Americans just let the Europeans in and didn't just share the place with them, they gave the place away.

@Veteran229 Straw man much?


I don't understand why people are just forgetting or ignoring the fact that we have laws regarding refugees. What should we do? Follow the laws. Follow them exactly. If they are truly looking for asylum, and they go about it the right way, we help them. It isn't like we don't have advanced warning to get the man power to deal with the logistics.

MarcT Level 7 Oct 23, 2018

@Veteran229 That is why, when they get to the boarder it needs to be lawfully investigated and if found they qualify, they get help. If not they get turned away. that is the process.

@Veteran229 should? Or could. I agree it could. But people should not be killed because of this, unless they get violent and force our hand.

@Veteran229 What trespassing? I said when they get to the boarder, not when they cross it...


Leave it to trumpies to come to the opposite of a logical conclusion.


That would be going to a lot of time and trouble just to make Trump look like a jerk... much easier to just repeat some of his tweets.


I mean I'm all for immigration...Dont get me wrong..But seeings how things on the boarder are already backed up as is, it seems like a terrible idea to come in such a big wave.

Mexico refused to stop them.
I'm not sure how we will stop 5000-7500 people at once without violence

I'm trying to think how this couldn't be seen as a violent act to begin with....Granted they might all be unarmed but showing up all at once with a few thousand people..Its easy to see it in a negative light.

@TheAstroChuck and that is a legit argument for sure..but the real question is...What do we do once these waves get here? Where are they gona live? What are they gona do? How will they be fed and how do we separate the ones coming here for the right reasons and those coming with nefarious ideas in mind? Also how is this going to affect the back log of people at the boarder already being held up.


The Trumpanzee doesn’t need any help to look bad. He does an excellent job of that on his own

I listened to a 30 minute rant last night about this.

New best record of not losing my temper.

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