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Trump just self identified as a Nationalist.

Is it scarier that he knows what he just said or that he doesn't?

BufftonBeotch 8 Oct 23

Enjoy being online again!

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The Democratic platform? More taxes.. More government control? I have big problems with both.

I'll be Democratic box marking for the right of a woman to control her own body and I will vote that way until the end of time.

And I don't mind paying my fair share of taxes so that the children are literate and fed.


A nationalist who just happens to be White.
I guess he just told the whole truth for once, white nationalist.



I think that the longer he is in office the more emboldened he feels. According to the polls, he seems to be gaining in popularity. I think that many mainstream Republicans have just tuned out what he says, and support him anyway.

He is filth.


Pandering to the racist drones on the right


It doesn't matter what he identifies with, we know what he is like.

Punky McRacist Bonespurs.


I really do not understand what you are driving at. Of the two choices.. Trump or Clinton.. Sadly I believe Clinton would be worse... since the 'system' is corrupt.. perhaps you can show us a better way?

Are you serious? There was nothing, Repeat NOTHING, in the democratic platform that was in any way controversial or even possibly damaging. Just how the ever loving fuck could anything be worse than this racist nazi that is in the white house?

@Umbral I think that one might have more than a little MRA in him.

Let us see.

@BufftonBeotch Ask anything you like.. I will give you a direct answer.

Is any medical procedure a woman decides she needs any man's business?

@BufftonBeotch No it truly is not. there are consequences for such actions though. The below snip-it of my life is somewhat relevant.

In '85-6 my gf informed me she was pregnant. I was thrilled; she was not. We'discussed the for a couple of weeks (ok.. argued) and finally she put her foot down & said the Supreme court said I had a right to an abortion - I agreed with her & asked "Are you sure?" She said yes... I stoically told her I would have my half of the cost the next day.
Her response was "You are not going to pay for it all?
Mine: "Not unless you are calling it something other than consensual sex... It took two to tango"

This site is Presented to me as a place for those who have little or no belief in a Deity. That is why I chose to join.
I am not a Political Liberal.. If such a label is to be applied it would be Libertarian .
I am a fiscal conservative & see the government as intrusive.

IF I incorrectly chose the wrong place for me... please inform me.. there are many other places i can go.

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