Me: We should have more restrictions on assault weapons.
Me: Cool, so people should be allowed to define their own gender
People are allowed to define their own gender. They shouldn’t be allowed to force YOU to call them with the pronoun they prefer. That goes against your freedom of speech. When we start imposing the use of certain words, we are acting like the inquisition. You can’t control speech. People should be free to say whatever they please.
I agree assault weapons don’t belong in civilian society.
The whole right to not be offended by speech started as a good thing. Bullying is a problem, it’s also wrong to straight insult someone, plagiarism is punishable, and to publicly destroy someone’s reputation with diffamatory or false information is wrong as well.
One thing is bullying, a different thing is “right not to be offended by other people’s words”. If my ideas are offensive to someone, it shouldn’t be my problem as long as my ideas don’t incite violence and don’t prevent the person from participating in civil society (bullying at school, work...).
We must be free to speak and risk offending someone. That’s how you come up with new ideas and get rid of stupid ones.
I don't see people forcing people to do anything. I see people asking for the same human rights as everyone else has.
@scrunchy Are you referring to gay marriage? Which rights?
@Lancillotto Ya, lets say gay marriage and same pay for women doing the same job as men, and lets say health care that is the same as those keeping it from us. And I've been wondering why shouldn't they be allowed to be called by the pronoun they prefer? What is that to you?
@scrunchy I am an advocate for equality of rights since we are all human beings. So, for instance, preventing only some people from getting married is an injustice.
Access to healthcare also should be equal for all citizens.
Equal pay, if the job is actually the same, is also right. Men still perform much heavier and more dangerous jobs in larger numbers (miners; sewers; oil extraction plants; roads, skyscrapers, bridges building; high voltage infrastructures...). I've heard feminists repeat on many occasions, civil society would be better off and less competitive without men. Civil society wouldn't last more than two weeks without men. Electricity, roads, internet, mobile phones rely on the constant maintenance of dedicated men.
I am not saying women couldn't learn to do those jobs, I'm saying they choose not to. Women want equal rights TODAY. But achieving the state where we currently are, came at a huge cost for men. Feminists complain that men have built a patriarchy and brought women to subjugation. That's a very narrow vision of reality. History of mankind saw men going hunting, securing resources for their tribes and often dying in the process. Men built the world as we know it and its hierarchical structures are a consequence. There was never a secret plot to keep women under control beneath an evil patriarchy. Equality should only come with equal responsibility and effort. So, , equal pay, only at those conditions.
Imposing the use of a preferred pronoun is wrong. As I already explained, one thing is bullying, a different thing is “right not to be offended by other people’s words”. If my ideas are offensive to someone, it shouldn't be my problem as as my ideas don’t incite violence and don’t prevent the person from participating in civil society (bullying at school, work...).
We must be free to speak and risk offending someone. That’s how you come up with new ideas and get rid of stupid ones.
If we impose the use of certain words or pronouns by law, freedom is over. The consequences would be catastrophic. It's a matter of being polite. If a person identifies with a gender that's different from their biological gender, and they prefer to be addressed with one pronoun vs another, than it's polite to respect that, but there should never be an imposition or any legal consequence for failing to do so. Bullying is one thing, but the "right to not be offended" is dangerous and it would end democracy and freedom.