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What are your favorite fictional books?
My top three are The Fall of Reach, Jubal Sackett and The Crystal Shard.

RandyMoose 7 Oct 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Lord of the Rings, Vison quest,


Old Man's War- John Scalzi
To Kill A Mockingbird- Harper Lee
Rendevous With Rama- Arthur C. Clark


I don't read very many books, unless you count tons of college textbooks anyway, but I like Dead City. It's probably more for middle schoolers, but I read it a few years ago and I liked the different take on the zombie genre. Basically, New York is full of zombies, but they pretty much live like normal humans. Some of them like to cause trouble though, and it's the main character Molly's job to police them and keep the peace. It's more interesting than it sounds. There are two other books in the series but I haven't had the chance to read them yet.

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