What is your favorite meetup group or organization?
I have huge differences with the Universalist Unitarians, but the people I have met are some of the brightest, most talented, and nicest people you will ever meet.
I wish one were near me.
@jlynn37 they are very cool people.
@Fanburger two years ago a minority outreach program by the national UU came off as very white privlaged and rubbed me wrong way. I honestly don't like evangelizing no matter what side it comes from. The congregation is mostly white and there seemed to be a lack of respect for other cultures, as if somehow they needed to intercede in people of color's lives. I know many athiests of all different races and I agree they should feel more comfortable at UU but the way they went about made me very uncomfortable.
There is an atheist meet-up group in my city. I met my best friends there!
Uh, it's Ann Arbor. It's the Harvard of the Mid-West athiests. Of course they are cool.
You are correct, sir! We always rank at the top of the “smartest cities” and I like living in my little liberal bubble! . @EricTrommater
@A2Jennifer I grew up in East Lansing, Michigan. Not as smart but just as cool. I miss it, except the snow. I don't miss snow.
OMAHA, Omaha Metro Area Humanists Association. and also REASON- Rationalists, Empiricists, and Skeptics of Nebraska.