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What do you think of snakes? Would you allow your 2 years old daughter? Lee Scott AirForceNurse1 here and on or []airforcenurse1 []

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AirForceRN1 7 Oct 25

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I have raised 3 snakes while my children were children. None were large enough to be a threat to my children. I would happily rescue, raise, and care for large or even venomous snakes if I were the only one I was putting into harms way.


People need to quit terrorizing our animal brothers and sisters.
Leave the snake alone, it has the right to its OWN life without humans fucking with it.

It's human arrogance to think you and your child have the right to harass this innocent being.
Stop it.

Many people rescue animals who are unable to survive in the wild, I don't think that constitutes terrorizing the animal. Are you against all types of animal ownership or just allowing small untrained children handling animals?


I say no, but not for the reason you might think. First of all, two year olds are not old enough to understand consequences or that they can inflict pain and injury on animals smaller than themselves. They may not intend to hurt the snake, kitten, bunny, etc., but they probably will. Secondly, reptiles can carry bacteria that can be harmful as hell to humans and other mammals. Toddlers don't understand sanitation and they stick those wee fingers, and other things, right into their mouths just as quick as you please. Live animals are not toys.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 25, 2018

This is a very good way of looking at this situation and I appreciate your intelligent and well thought out response!


Wow! A snake like this could be use as a live demonstration fund raiser in helping domestic violence victims and others get homeless shelter help! What do you think?

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We forget about the issues of homelessness of all types of women, teenage girls, boys & minorities. And yet the establishment still leaves people out in the cold or heat..... You could make a difference in supporting to help build clean emergency shelters, regardless if it is faith-based to agnostic organizations. This is to support emergency housing and counseling to these forgotten & homeless individuals with our local communities.Trying to work with the homeless, poor, and anybody who was wiped out due to medical bills (I am surprisedess in Fresno and Clovis).
Pass this link to your families: how many were middle-class families who lost their jobs and became homeless. Send your donations to this link below: []
Lee E Scott • October 15, 2018
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Great Cause! Because I helped a homeless 48 years girl with her for 7 Months to stay In my Condo. YES! It never bothered me to help someone because I was destitute one time after serving overseas in the Air Force. My Life was over when I was struck in the head due to no fault of mine in the line of duty taking care of patients. I came home with no place to live, and no longer could do my nursing job due to PTSD and ADHD. Also, I had lost my memory and the ability to do my RN job. Thus, I retrained in another field in Substance Abuse & Paralegal Studies at Fresno City College and volunteered over 3,000 hours at WestCare 24 hours residential care that takes in many homeless alcoholic and drug addicts in Fresno, California.
At 62 years old, it is never too late to help others, homeless, and domestic violence victims. Do not ever think you are too old to go back to school to learn something new ... even when everyone else told me that I was useless! Just go and retire and stay at home was not the answer for me. No Way! And I truly wanted to help battered women, kids, and others as well at the homeless people because I have been there myself! Lee Everett Scott AirForceNurse1 thanks everybody for their help and support for being kind and sensitive to me and helping my other homeless friends, battered women, and kids to have a place to live!
[] Trying to help the homeless, poor, and anybody who was wiped out due to medical bills (I was surprised how many were middle-class families who had lost their jobs and became homeless in Fresno and Clovis, California).
It is not unusual seeing all those homeless people in downtown Fresno courthouse to near my friend's family home. Dianna Villas lives 2 blocks north of Tulare and 7th Avenues, Fresno, CA and had lived in the same home for 42 years). Pass this link to your friends to help the homeless. []


Why not? If this snake is perfectly safe. You must use extreme care with safety devices in place to keep this child safe. Can it be done? What do you think? []

Not if the snake is snake is Donald Trump or this woman being threaten .... As newly-confirmed Justice Brett Kavanaugh prepares to hear his first case this week, Christine Blasey Ford continues to receive an onslaught of death threats, the result of bringing sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh last month.

In a Sunday interview, Ford's attorney, Debra Katz, told MSNBC that the "unending" threats have left left Ford unable to return to the home from which she and her family initially fled three weeks ago due to safety concerns.

“This has been terrifying," Katz said. "Her family has been through a lot. They are not living at home. It's going to be quite some time before they're able to live at home.

"The threats have been unending," she continued. "It's deplorable. It's been very frightening."

In September, Ford's lawyers had cited the threats to Ford and her family in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee to negotiate the terms of Ford's appearance before the committee's members. At the time, it appeared to Ford's team as though the committee planned on having Ford and Kavanaugh sit side-by-side at the same table in the hearing room.

"She has been the target of vicious harassment and even death threats," Ford's attorneys wrote in a letter to the committee's chairman, Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley. "As a result of these kind of threats, her family was forced to relocate out of their home. Her email has been hacked, and she has been impersonated online.

“While Dr. Ford’s life was being turned upside down, you and your staff scheduled a public hearing for her to testify at the same table as Judge Kavanaugh in front of two dozen U.S. Senators on national television to relive this traumatic and harrowing incident."

Ford knew something of what would await her if she came forward with allegations against the then-Supreme Court nominee.

“Why suffer through the annihilation if it’s not going to matter?” she told the Washington Post last month.

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