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What made some of you change your mind about religion? Ie, become a freethinker

APHolland 4 Oct 25

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The earliest doubt I can remember is from hearing the Noah story around age five.
In the story God is all-powerful and the source of love and compassion; and he murders everything in a ham-fisted genocide. Then Noah burns a bird alive and Mr: Love and Compassion is so pleased with this act of cruelty He promises to never murder the world again.

Even a brain that immature could tell something was very wrong about that flow of events.


Santa Clause. When I was 5 my Gramma told me that if I don't behave and do what the Bible said I would go to hell. I responded Gramma don't you know yet God is like Santa... They aren't real just tell you the are to make you behave. Thanks big man in the red suit , mad props for the passive agressive enlightenment.


I just came to a logical conclusion that none of it made any sense. No religion has a shred of evidence that it is the one true religion, however much its adherents try.

I have not suffered any abuse from religion, and I had some religion in my house growing up, but I was free to make my own decision


What changed my mind was the emotional and psychological abuse of early indoctrination that leads people to believe they have to surrender their will to someone or something else.
Then, taking philosophy courses just unraveled the whole thing because it doesn't stand up to reason.


Things just didn't make sense to me as I got older. I was raised In a Christian family and when I got In highschool I started reading more of the bible and I couldn't make sense of any of it, couldn't find proof about anything and all I had to rely on was "faith" which is bs so I realized that agnostic would be the best way to describe my feeling toward religion


I had spirit guides at a very young age who protected me and would take me out of my body. If I needed to know something I would be shown. I was brought up Catholic and gave the nuns and priests a pretty hard time with my questions. Finally in 9th grade they allowed me to stay home from church. I guess when a 12 yr old wants to go to the library to hear a talk about Transendental meditation, you start paying attention. I gave the TM people a hard time too. You want me to pay for a sound so I can be closer to God? Why would you do that for profit if it was true? I always read books in philosophy an religion. Jesus was a great man from the stories I was told. I am sure he was a God realized being. God is not a person. My spirit guides continued to work with me and eventually after Rosicrucian Kabbalist Theosophy Shamanism and a buch more, I found Eckankar,. I still work with my guide they are a part of this too , but now I have met the Mahanta, the god conscience being on earth and am learning about divine love. I don’t believe in stories, I know through experience.


Youtube showed me the other side of the coin


I'm not sure I did change my mind about religion. I went to a catholic primary school and I still recall being told about some guy wandering around the countryside with twelve apples. Of course what was said was "apostles", but that was a word I had not previously heard and which made no sense. So my six or seven year old brain came up with the closest sounding word with which it was familiar - "apples". Another thing I was familiar with was fairy stories, and clearly the idea of twelve apples following some guy about the place was not realistic and was therefore a fairy story.


I just kind of gradually drifted away from religious thinking. It was a bumpy ride some times because you really are rearranging your whole operating system. I was raised in a so called Christian household, and my childhood pal was from a very devout family so I was quite exposed to religion as a youth. Dabbled with Shamanism for a while as a young adult. That was pretty crazy. Then eventually decided god wasn't really necessary for any of it to work. I still don't strictly disbelieve in god, but don't put much weight in the idea as a matter of course.

Snail Level 2 Oct 25, 2018

Regarding believing in GOD
I will never stop believing in me.
Can I get an AMEN

EMC2 Level 8 Oct 25, 2018

The concept of god did it for me, But when I came out of the womb , I saw a man with a collar and threw up.

EMC2 Level 8 Oct 25, 2018

At age 13, I realized the Bible is just a book of stories written by men. That's when I became an atheist.


i didn't change my mind about religion. i was not raised religiously. i just realized, age 15, there were no gods.



I never had to change my mind because I was never religious - I assumed all along that the whole thing was supposed to be make-believe just like Jack and the Beanstalk, Cinderella and Hansel and Gretel. I was really rather surprised when I found out that some people (even grown-ups!) believed the Magic Sky-Wizard was real.

Jnei Level 8 Oct 25, 2018

I was born. LOL.

just kidding. I never was exposed to religious teaching or magical thinking until I was an adult. By then it was too late


Well, religion really doesn't make any kind of logical sense, and there is no evidence to support the beliefs.

I think what tipped me over the edge though was when I was in high school, in church my age group ws supposed to be readign the old testament, while in school we were reading a few ancient Greek myths. I thought the sories weren't really all that different as far as believabiity went.


I never changed my mind. They told me I should try to talk to god, he didn't talk back. It's gods turn to answer the call until then I see no reason to think he's real. I can't remember ever believing all this religious stuff but I guess I'm not in the majority with this.

Dietl Level 7 Oct 25, 2018

I found religious people very judgmental, so I started distancing myself. While doing my own research I came to understand that religion takes away your power. I am responsible for my life. Good, bad or otherwise I take the credit and the blame.

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