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Someone asked me the other day as to why I am an athiest. My answer was several paragraphs and it mostly comes down to my belief that if in the . 0000000001% chance God is real and the stories in the Bible have any truth, then he is a Sociopath. I simply will not believe in, worship, or idiolize a Sociopath.

Jotran30 2 Oct 25

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If there were a God - the bible has nothing to do with it. I don't believe in God but my opinion of the idea wasn't formed by religion - yours clearly was and that in my opinion is a problem. The bible is nothing more than man's interpretation of what a creator would expect from what it created. That's a completely different issue as to whether or not there is a creator. Nature is a creator and a destroyer - would you allow a bunch of sexist men to tell you how to view nature?

I truly don't think there is a God. I was just trying to state my feelings in a different way to her


it sounds good but i worry about one thing: there is a belief among theists that atheists really do believe there is a god and that we're just mad at him. i hear it a lot, actually. i would not want to play into that, even with that low percentage you mention lol. if i were asked why i am an atheist, chances are i would answer "you're an atheist too. you don't believe in the tooth fairy, do you? you're an atheist with regard to the tooth fairy because there is no tooth fairy. i'm an atheist with regard to the tooth fairy too, but i am also an atheist with regard to your god, because there is no god either. it's that simple."


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