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What makes/made you happy today? Happy hour at Barrio Queen made my evening (Todo a madre!), as well as the Thursday night art walk.

AzVixen52 7 Oct 25

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Same as every day. This smile:

Nice dinosaur!?

@AzVixen52 Yeah, I kinda forgot there are two smiles in that picture....


Got a new kid on my class. Transfer from another class. She gave me a big spontaneous hug. Yeah know 1st graders are programmed to like their teachers, but still, it was nice




Got to watch my great-nephew (and his fifth grade classmates) receive their
academic honors for the first semester's report cards.
5 A's, and a high-B in his most difficult subject.
He's stepped up his game this year and has been working really hard.
I am a very proud Re-Re.


Got up at 8.30 am and went for a brief walk down the street covered in bright yellow leaves....nature is so beautiful.....


It's Friday and I get to attend the opening of a major art exhibit where I'm one of the artists!


I found out that the long closed local donut shop is reopening tomorrow. I've been waiting and waiting.


@AzVixen52 vegan donuts no less

Yeah mmmmmmmmm.... donuts!

@weelittleone Even better!

@AzVixen52 it gets even better. Is an old family recipe that just happens to be vegan. So they don't have the healthy taste of a modern vegan donut. You wouldn't even know


My family. My friends. Great food! It's 12 days after my birthday and I still have well wishes and gifts rolling in. I have plans to look forward to later this week, later this month, and later this year. Loving and being loved. Kraken rum and Heineken beer. Marijuana. My pets. 4 grams of shrooms in my stash drawer waiting for me to enjoy them. A sexy new outfit that I didn't pay for that I will wear when I pick my husband up from the airport tomorrow. MY HUSBAND IS COMING HOME AFTER BEING ON A BUSINESS TRIP ALL WEEK! I will pay the bills without stress over money tomorrow. Really good cannabis and cannabis extracts on hand. The refrigerators, freezers, and pantry are full even though payday is tomorrow. PAYDAY IS TOMORROW! I have many people in my life who(m?) I love and many people who love me. Perfect weather. My dog. I am still alive and thriving. My snakes are happy and healthy. I am needed in meaningful ways. My houseplants are thriving. It's late October and I can still pick tomatoes and peppers from my garden. I feel valuable. It's Croptober and there will be a tasty cannabis harvest soon. I am appreciated and respected in my personal relationships. Nothing is making me unhappy right now.


Watched Young Frankenstein.

That's one of my favorite movies!



Marz Level 7 Oct 26, 2018

Coffee consistently makes me happy!


Went to dinner at a friend's house--the guy can throw down in the kitchen--and then we made some music. Between three of us: cello, baritone 'uke, soprano 'uke, guitar, harmonica.


Beautiful day, cleaned car (shampooed the seats even) and saw the smile on my kid's face when I picked her up from her Dad's in said clean car. It is the simple joys.

Holli Level 6 Oct 28, 2018

Waking up at home and realizing as it is Sunday so I didn't have to rush out the door to drive to work.


Sounds like a wonderful time! I went to my chiropractor, and now working 8 hrs. of OT and then to the gym for fat control. Your day sounds better.?

…..but you have a basket of cats! I think you win! 🙂


Today -- the weather (77 degrees, low humidity, clear and sunny).


Last night, drinks with an old friend.


i am not happy today. i am having an asthma attack, i just got home from the e.r. 24 hours ago almost to the minute and i'll be damned if i go back again today, and it's too early to go to urgent care, which is not how i intended to spend my day either. but i was happy to watch a funny old episode of murphy brown last night, and i am happy that my cat, who hasn't been eating, likes the special food i have prepared for her and is eating maybe a spoonful at a time, but often, and enthusiastically. i just wish i could breathe.


I hope your asthma gets under control soon. Glad to hear your cat is eating! I love my two fur balls!

@AzVixen52 thanks!



Took the train to Chicago and visited my Mom this week. Had a blast and now I am on the train back with my daughter. Perfect day and week.


I am going to have alot of fun this weekend. Boys all getting together for a game...home team Nashville Predators vs my boys the Edmonton Oilers. Might get a little crazy post game no matter who wins!


Pretty much everything! Especially since this is my weekend off, it is raining, I have no plans so I don't have to feel guilty for not having every second planned.


Everything, but especially my friend called to see if I would like to go into town with her.


I had a really good workout. My body has that loose/relaxed feeling. I'll probably be sore for a couple of days.


@AzVixen52 It works better with this subtle mod...... "A toda madre" ?


I woke up happy with someone special next to me..had a good day...but came home to news of the mass shooting and sad af now. While I was lunching and halloween shopping 11 people die senselessly.
I just don't get it.

Sane, rational people never understand this kind of hate.


The burrito I had for lunch!

Gotta love burritos!

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