Why do good guys looks creepy and creepy guys behave like good lads
Good men appear wholesome, healthy and kind. Creepy men look scary:
"Creepy" defined by dictionary.com:
having or causing a creeping sensation of the skin, as from horror or fear: a creepy ghost story.
that creeps: a creepy insect.
Slang. of, relating to, or characteristic of a person who is a creep; obnoxious; weird.
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You can't make sweeping generalizations like this.
you can't ask why something is, if it isn't. good guys may or may not look creepy. creeps may or may not look good, although i have to say that creepiness is in and of itself ugly to me. handsome is as handsome does. if good guys look creepy to you and creeps look good to you, maybe you need to look more deeply.