Have you ever studied wirh Jehovah’s Witnesses? I use the term study loosely, that’s the term they use.
If you don’t know they come over and give you a book. They want you to read a paragraph and then stop and answer a question.
So it’s like read, “god is great. “. What is god? It’s halarious.
The dude came over like 10 times in 6 months. Most of the time all we really talked about was family and business. Since we have that in common.
In the end he turned out to be a cool dude but obv he’s not allowed to be normal and have friends because he’s JW.
Anyways , I wish I could get him out if I could. But anyways, I was just curious to hear if any of you ever talked to JWs and what your experience was?
My ex was a former JW and his whole family was JW’s. I’m very familiar with thier inner workings. They are an interesting bunch and keep a tight social circle. My ex had broken away from thier teachings before I came along and was not vilified in any way by the family. He was actually the golden child because of his wealth. I still communicate with them because of our children which they have made no attempt to indoctrinate.
I don't indulge JWs any more than I'd indulge any door-to-door salesperson regardless of "product". Life is too short. I send JWs and Mormons on their way with a request to put me on whatever list of people to not be bothered that they might have. No one ever gets the memo though; eventually they always come back.
If I were so desperate for company and had so much time on my hands as that, I'd take it as a sign that I needed to get a life. Although I suppose if I were heavily constrained and isolated by health and finances it would provide some temporary diversion. Not there yet though and hope never to be there.
The JW's used to stop by and "talk." I stayed polite, but honest, mostly. I'm a lapsed Unitarian, which means I'm anything I want to be who went to a meeting place with other beings who could claim to be anything they wanted to be. So, I would say I'm an Unitarian and no JW knows what that is. So, I would start to explain, with some history first: Unitarians started as non Trinitarians. At which point the JW's would always act like we were long lost cousins.......uh, no. None have visited since I put a Spider-Man suction cup figure on my door window. He is a true super hero.