A wonderful person died yesterday, a lot has changed in me since my last loved one was mourned.
At around age 16, I mourned the death of the woman who raised me for many years and still take time to remember her regularly.
I mourned my grandmother as dead before she actually died, her dementia made her death come off as a release rather than a tragedy.
Now, a woman whom my father married a few years ago is also dead. I avoided talking to her of late as I have nothing good going on in my life and felt that talking to her would only affect her negatively and I knew her health was down and did not want that, I only wanted her to recover.
I regarded her as too good for my father, she was too sweet and too smart to die as she did. What bothers me is that she dies and people see I am hurt over it and they keep on telling me what I deserve, how can the death of something make me deserve anything? It shouldn't matter how it effects me, someone who was too good for this fucked up world we live in has died and I don't have the power to replace the good that she represented, I can't even save my own stepson.
The fucked up thing is that I should have known that she was expecting to die when she talked about placing me in her will and now I fear that I have have contributed towards her suffering as the procedure she went through to try and extend her life wasn't an easy choice for her to make and I likely influenced her choosing to make it.
I don't deserve anything from her death, she didn't deserve to die, or to suffer.
Sorry to hear that man. Just reading your thoughts proves to me you are a good person trying to do what is right in life. That is all we can do. Bad things will happen to everyone, but the effort to make good choices matters, and I see that in your choices. I try to do the same. Hang in there man.
I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she was a lovely woman who cared about you and wanted to see the best for you. Don't blame yourself for her death, her decision was her own, and has nothing to do with the way you treated her. Celebrate her for who she was.
I'm so sorry to hear about your step mother's death, & that you have feelings of guilt on top of all the grief. You sincerely tried to do the right thing & it sounds like nobody else in the family told you she was dying, so give yourself a little break, OK?
It sounds like this is a difficult time in your life altogether & you're trying to do your best. If you aren't getting counseling already, maybe you would like to try it? It helps to have someone you can tell everything & can help you see your situation more clearly so you can find the way out.