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When I was in high school I took the Strong Vocational Test which indicated I would be best suited to be a librarian. I ended up in a profession where I interact with people all day every day. What I have learned is that I can be social when I need to but that it takes a lot out of me. When I'm not working my "battery recharge" is solitude, ie reading, walking and Quiet. I think most people would see me as being very good at what I do. Can anyone else relate to this?

Marktzu 6 Oct 29

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Sounds to me like you're an introvert. Doesn't make you anti-social, just someone who needs to recharge their energy alone; as opposed to extroverts, who get their energy recharged by being around people. (P.S.: I'm an introvert)


Yes, totally. I need to recharge after I have been with people. I love to get home after I have been at work for a whole day and just not have to deal with anybody.


I'm normally very social, but I need down time pretty frequently. I think most people do, actually. Anything gets old after too long a stretch.


Yes, I can. I had to learn how to force myself to be social, but I think many people think I am good at it. I spend a lot of time reading, which most people don't see.

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