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A weird video..but poignant. What are your thoughts on this video?

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AmmaRE007 7 Oct 30

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A modern Twilight Zone; I liked it. Isn't 1 plus 1 11 though?

That definitely depends on what base we are using πŸ™‚ When dealing with base 2 (a/k/a "binary" ), when counting upwards, when a digit goes to 2 it creates a new digit to the left.

Examples of base 2 usage:








@AmmaRE007 Nice and arcane. You must be a mathematician of some ilk.

@AmmaRE007 Question for the math person: do you know of, or possibly understand Anamorphic Intergers? Don't ask me to explain, I have degrees in English and Education. My son did his PHD on that.

@EdEarl I just appreciate Math from an engineering and science angle.

@EdEarl, @Beowulfsfriend ..i don't have a clue lol .. but it seems to be from the wording..somehow purposely distorted integers? I don;t know..


How terribly, terribly true.......only exaggerated for effect, naturally. It is the natural progression of the terrifying Politically Correct/Equality for All/Dumbing Down brigade. This may be a parody, but it should also be a warning!

Could it possibly be the demonizing of the intellectual community..through exaggeration?

@AmmaRE007 No , there is nothing intellectual whatsoever in this, quite the opposite in my opinion.

I didn't mean that it was intellectual, what I meant was.. it could have been designed to throw the "intellectual community" under a bad light. ..where progressiveness is frowned on..

@AmmaRE007 No , I knew what you meant, but I think it was basically to highlight the stupidity involved in dumbing down academic standards to accommodate minorities and calling it equality.

@Marionville I don't believe that "academic " standards have been lowered for minorities. Minorities have proven time and time again.. they can excel.

@AmmaRE007 I’m not saying that. But there is a certain school of thought that there should be reverse discrimination in order to increase the number of minority applicants at universities and on certain bodies....for instance. It is based on the MacBride Principles.

@Marionville I believe that there is a certain amount of thought that in order to increase the number of minority applications.based on things prevented minorities from being able to attend. i don't beieve that this is reverse discrimination..

@AmmaRE007 That is what is usually referred to as....not my descriptor, but it is in common usage. It’s the name given universally to any practice designed to redress imbalance , be it in gender, race or any other.

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