"Very well written proposal. Clear, concise, powerful. Unique ideas." Followed by, "Grant Not Funded."
I don't know how much you need but I would donate to an indiegogo, Kickstarter, or other self funding type of service.
I have considered crowd funding, since my data collection is crowdsourced, it kinda fits. And anyone who enjoys eating outside of their home should have some interest in the research. I might have to look into it. Great idea.
Life is dishing out a lot of rejections these days ? papers, proposals, job applications, potential dates...
I have never gotten a Dear Jane letter as nice as this grant rejection, though.
Sorry! Totally a bummer...
It happens to us all, far too many times.
I'm sorry.
Meeeeeee toooooo!
@DoctoralZombie Makes me regret a little less not having gone into research myself.
@Stephanie99 It has some downsides, for sure
Sounds like Kansas. I disliked all 22 years of living there. Of course, Florida isn't much better.
I feel you. I am out as soon as I find work somewhere else. However I think this was a national reviewer panel, so I cannot blame Kansas, really. I am still ready to move.
@DoctoralZombie Hopefully you'll move to a first world country, escape while you still can.
@Gohan Yeah. Yet another Westboro demonstration planned at a local highschool here. This place is oppressive.
Welcome to my world! Just had a paper rejected. (Wasn't even for funding, just entry into a teaching material!) Grrr
Bugger. Better go write some papers so that you can experience a different facet of academic rejection, I guess.
Lol. I am well acquainted with reviewer 2...
@DoctoralZombie is he the one who damns you with faint praise, thereby killing your paper dead?
@DoctoralZombie Ahhh, I think in the UK we have a more subtle form of backstabber/self-promoter.
@MrBeelzeebubbles Reviewer 2 is the embodiment everything wrong with academic publishing. I am sure it exists in the UK as well lol
Science in the US right now.... Sorry.?