So I’ve spent a small fortune on dating sites with no luck. I was told yesterday by a Christian on a separate site that being an atheist is why I’m unhappy. I’m pretty much done with those sites thankyouverymuch. I hope to meet at the very least some like minded ppl so I don’t feel quite so alone as an atheist in the Bible Belt.
You're a beautiful woman, get off the sites and meet men face to face...
Any free-thinker groups in your area?
We have a couple near mid-michigan. , within a 60 mile drive.
Some of them are using meetup for messages about meetings,...
Some have formal presentations with speakers at a local restaurant, monthly.
Others have pub meetings, potlucks,...
Example of what is within 50 miles of lansing::::
Welcome to the site!
I noticed you were in Georgia, and I wanted to ask how does it feel to live there and yet be surrounded by some of the most ardent zealots in the country?
Well I gotta tell ya... it fucking sucks.
@janniegirl It's too bad that what should be a private philosophy can lead to so much public shunning.
@mdinsmore Couldn’t agree more. We live in such a divisive society
It seems as long as ‘all religions’ add up to more than all ‘atheists,’ they’ll always feel empowered or in-charge.. On an ‘individual religion’ basis, I think ‘atheist’s’ now outnumber the worst of them. Anyway, we’re out there.
I’ve never used a dating site, thus was reluctant to sign on here, until finding it to be much more. Even within a small, if new town, I’m attempting to unite (if at all) ‘in real life.’ May be old fashioned, but where I chose to hang out and with who feels a better religious filter than any online site.
you'll fine your one. there certainly are plenty of us out there and we're all over. what's great about the US of A even in this crazy time is that you can be Catholic and that's just can also quit and that's fine and third you can never be catholic to begin with and that's fine too. in other parts of the world they don't have the choice to choose OR quit. i digress
What ms. you're unhappy because you don't have religion" fails to accept is clearly there is a reason why you're not on the religion train to begin with. And what makes her the expert and why is HER particular train better than the others? I could go on about my own reasons for jumping off at high speed, but i spare you that. point is, no one can tell you why you're unhappy. or if you even ARE unhappy. You have to find that for yourself. As crazy as it may sound there are lots of loving accepting Christian types out there. if there weren't we'd be fighting the 1000th crusades right now. hell, its possible that the one for you goes to church does their thing and is perfectly fine with you not being on that path.
in the end he's out there. and his story as he's looking is probably just like yours
Let me be the first to welcome you to the party. I know how you feel in the Bible Belt. I am recently back in Georgia and it sure is an “experience”. But I guess if an atheist can make it here we can make it anywhere.
Also this video always helps me when I’m feeling lonely:
@AmiSue you are welcome it got me through some rough patches that’s for sure