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Trump's Press Conference Today- A Scare Tactic of Hate and bigotry-Troops Will Consider Migrants With Rocks Armed? WTF!!!!! Are We Going to See Troops Shooting Poor Desperate People? We Need New Leadership.Dump Trump Now..

sassygirl3869 9 Nov 1

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He should not be president in the first place he is a clown at best and a dictator one at that.


Despicable, cruel, racist, heartless and un-American.

America is a nation of immigrants.

Whatever happened to: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore."



Even if the goal is to shut down immigration An army of armed soldiers to stop some unarmed starving civilians is in no way appropriate. Also it is a waste of our military, putting us at risk and wasting money.

The only goal of this is to spread hate because that is the only way people will remain blind enough to vote for him. And it keeps working.

MsAl Level 8 Nov 1, 2018

Hopefully those young men and young women will ask if firing on innocent civilians is a lawful order and they will be able to figure it out. Damn Drumpf.


It was truly awful! Anyone even mildly literate in history, civics and current events can see his total disregard for reality. This is a con man who will say anything to get what he wants: power and adulation.


WTF pretty much

MsAl Level 8 Nov 1, 2018

This is my argument next time some Trump supporter complains about government wasting money on things they don't believe in.

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