So I felt like a right wally on my first day having been inspired to write about something I read that got under my skin about religious schools and having proudly pressed the button to post my handiwork it promptly disappeared!
Turns out I pressed the Make a Post button at the top having failed to scroll down to see Submit Post....
I was too aggrieved to revisit the scene of the crime until today. Sigh....
So there i was reading an Ofsted report for a religious school which was rated inadequate and recommended for special measures. Shocking stuff. Children cloistered in a repressive environment with the full consent of parents socialised to believe they were protecting their children by preventing them from accessing the internet, redacting whole passages and chapters from well known literary works, if the books were even in the library, adults going through books to rape up any skin showing on ankles and necks in pictures and anybillustration showing women and men standing beside each other, removing numbers for National helplines so children can not access the outside world, no meaningful education about reproduction in humans or animals, removing things like climate change from the syllabus, restricting information about tertiary education (they only get one option), teachers without knowledge or training, poor quality written work and restriction of available subjects with low quality set work like fill in the blank nonsense. Then at the end of all this poor quality teaching the school gets GCSE passes well above national averages. Worst of all, children are allowed no contact with people outside of their religious community and are not taught to consider the existence, humanity and viewpoints of these people who make up the vast majority of their fellow citizens.
And we allow this to happen in broad daylight to captive children in modern Britain. Because...religion.
I’m shaken.
From what I understand. Ofsted can withdraw funding if the standards and education do not come up to scratch or if religious teaching like creation as a viable alternative to evolution is taught
They can. They are putting them in special measures as they were inadequate apparently on some measures in the last inspection also. Lots of focus on the principal and Board of Governors as the cause of the failure to improve. They don’t really believe in education as they don’t believe in contact with the outside world. The boys have purely religious education studying holy books all day. Most of the communities schools are independent and are hidden from the authorities and are illegal because they don’t meet any education or welfare standards. This is one of the few that pretends to have standards so they can get public money . Of course they cry religious discrimination whenever people try to hold them to community standards to protect their children.
The US state of Texas decided to remove Hillar Clinto and Rosa Parks from its textbooks, so we are no better.
You have got to be kidding me?!?! What arguments could they have used to justify this? I’m so sad for the children of Texas (and I knowledge some!)
Not surprising. We have similar stories in the states including "Home Schooling" where parents "teach" their children. Often with good academic results but for some, when their children enter the real world, they are not fully able to socially function in the real world where they interact with other people.