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Ever since the summer I've stopped exercising and I've put on weight. I can feel it in my waistline and see it in my face. I have to stop snacking and get back on a regular exercise regimen...

GuitarDoctor 7 Nov 4

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Stop buying junk food. Only stock your fridge with healthy options and that us what you will snack on. Carrots or baked corn chips and hummus makes a nice snack. So do apples, oranges, bannanas, strawberry's, blueberries, assorted nuts.....

For deserts, buy the 100 calorie little pudding snack packs and get yourself some small desert spoons. It will last longer and you'll consume less because the smaller spoon will make you eat slower. Also, you can make a cake and cut it in to 2" x 2" squares. You can have one pudding cup or one small piece of cake for desert at dinner. No other sweets. No exceptions. If you eat a candy bar or some such thing during the day, then you've had your one sweet item for the day and you're done.

I was addicted to Mountain Dew, but a friend of mine recently got me on to Fresca with a half lime squeezed in. I usually hate Fresca, but the added lime really makes a big difference. It tastes a lot like Mountain Dew minus all the crap.


It is a constant struggle for some of us and only gets worse the older we get. I joined Slimmimg World and through their regime of fruit, vegetables and lean meat/poultry/fish, with limited amounts of dairy and cereal, I have managed lose a stone and a half and then maintain that loss for two years. I still don’t get enough exercise, but that is my own fault as I spend too much time on this damned site!


I'm in training for a seriously tough event in March and although I'm in pretty good shape I need to lose at least 10% of my current bodyweight (88kg) to have a decent chance of being successful.
The problem is I'm lazy and I love to snack on crap and eat take away. Discipline is key but the formula is simple - better diet and more exercise... calorie deficit.
I've recently given up alcohol ? and I'm planning on gradulally going 95% vegan over the next week or two. Will limit take away/eat out to once a week and have no crap snacks in the house.
I get up early and excersise first thing in the morning on empty stomach... there is evidence that this burns more fat but for me it's about getting it out the way so I can get on with the rest of my day... it also wakes you up and motivates you for the day ahead and any further workouts are a bonus.
Finding a convenient cardio is also a good idea... i have to run but hate it. I often instead use my spin bike for 40 minutes whilst watching my favourite show on Netflix or a good documentary.
Breaking into a routine is the hard part... once you get going you'll be fine and back in shape in no time!


Diet and exercise will indeed do the trick. Who would have thought? Well, your mind is in the right place. That’s the first step. Good luck.

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