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Stephen Fry pronounces the death of classical liberalism: ‘We are irrelevant and outdated bystanders’

He wasn’t the only one, as the Festival of Dangerous Ideas contemplated rapid changes in contemporary politics


Umbral 8 Nov 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Like any ideology we have to grow, transform and evolve. Adjusting to a changing world, and educating the masses on our reasoning, helps to deliver our message.


I like what he says very much.


I posted this a few days ago. I think it's relevant to what he's saying.
The Weakness in Liberal Democracy That May Be Pulling It Apart - The New York Times

When the “institutions and norms that protect the common good” are whittled away, the people are vulnerable to those having done the whittling…

The piece you site is rich, but it mirrors the depth of understanding fewer people have time or desire to follow. Though I know progressive youth too knowledgeable and confused by intricate discrepancies to act ..... their political counterparts continue to accept simple answers to complex questions.

The left is tripped up by their desire for purity … while the wrong march in unisense to any lie feeding their desired narrative of victimhood. Professors of political science could debate half a day yet not sway as many votes as the their ignorant equivalent in some pulpit … or Fox Propaganda


I’d say he’s correct … just as few if any would sit through a session with the former ‘william f buckley jr’... In the epoch before instant communication, people sought out such philosophical banter - no more. If it’s not the equivalent of a punch in the face goes unnoticed…

Varn Level 8 Nov 5, 2018

Things move so fast now too. By the time coherent thoughts can be contemplated on and then communicated, the right has thrown yet another horror to tangle with into the cage match.

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