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Please vote

thinkwithme 7 Nov 5

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Always vote. I mailed in my ballot the day after receiving it. VOTE BLUE!


I always do.


Did so - two weeks ago.


What the question?

It's not a question..its a request

@thinkwithme there no voteing in australia at the moment

@zenith01 Thank you. I forget people all around the world are on here sometimes. Maybe encourage Americans to vote 🙂


Should I vote even though I have no idea about the issues or the candidates?


Maybe start by taking a look at your ballot

@thinkwithme Thanks. I went to the site, put in my address and now it’s showing me who is on the ballot. Now what?

@indirect76 do some research..what do you care about? Do you think billionaires should have to pay more taxes than struggling families? Do you support science? Protecting the environment? Equal rights to those with different gender identity? Should gay people be allowed to get married? It is important to me to vote for people that will be more likely to address the problems in the current administration..So I'm blue. You have to do what you feel is correct

@thinkwithme Thanks for your robust response. I probably won’t do the research. I can mostly answer the questions you pose, but doing the research to connect those answers to a candidate is something I’m just not interested in. So I’ll be abstaining from voting.

I really do appreciate folks like you that are passionate and knowledgeable of these things. You should definitely vote.

@indirect76 I appreciate the question although in these times I had to wonder almost if it was bait. You seem polite and I don't want to offend you. I stare at your response. We have a president who has denied climate change as the water levels rise, rolled back on environmental protection while I write to you from under a methane cloud and the salmon are dead, who called nazis good people while calling football players taking a knee sonsofbitches, promoted violence among his supporters repeatedly and for no good reason, degraded women, stripped people of protections, lied to promote fear and bigotry increasing the instability in the world, supporting vicious regimes. It almost makes me weep to hear you say you won't vote bc you don't know. The party that supported seems so lost for leadership and in ability to stand up for what is correct..Silence equals death

@thinkwithme I don’t like Trump either, but he isn’t up for election. Even if he was, I don’t think him being one party automatically makes the other party good and worthy of a vote.

Silence doesn’t equal death. You’re being a bit dramatic I think, but I again applaud your passion. I’m passionate about things, but not this. I see silence as a perfectly appropriate response when you don’t have anything to say.

@indirect76 silence can be golden but not when it comes to allowing or promoting human rights violations. Dramatic maybe unless you are a journalist or gay or a woman or from the middle east or poor or considered a minority person or an opponent at a rally or interested in a sustainable future

@thinkwithme I think this stuff is way over my head.






Vote at all costs.

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