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Fellow defenders of freedom, free speech. It is a sad moment for those values. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled that defaming the Prophet Muhammad exceeds the permissible limits of freedom of expression. They ruled that an Austrian woman's criminal conviction and fine for her statements accusing the Prophet Muhammad of pedophilia did not breach her right to free speech. The decision came as an Austrian national identified as E.S. by the court, had held seminars on Islam in 2008 and 2009 for the far-right Freedom Party (FPO) where she discussed the prophet's marriage to Aisha, a child at that time, and implied that he was a pedophile.

Lucignolo 6 Nov 5

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I recommend/am a big fan of Rationality Rules YouTube channel..


The EU has never had as strong of protections of free speech as does the US.

It's why the 1st A was necessary in the first place.


The remarkably bad part of that ruling is that telling the truth is not considered a defense.

OMG! You are right!!! One could ba saying the truth, but it wouldn’t matter. Dark ages! ?


The European Court of Human Rights is an oxymoron. The spread of tolerance of intolerance is alarming. I'm not a fan of right wing extremists, who is, but they are flourishing under the so called benign dictatorship of the EU. Everyone should be free to offend everyone. This sort of ruling, is anti freedom,anti free thought and will only further the case of right wing thinkers who feel (rightly so) that they have been marginalised.

Beautifully said! Couldn’t agree more! Thanks!

@PalacinkyPDX I'm not denying they were there already. I'm saying they're allowed to flourish. Nothing wrong with right wing by the way. Extreme anything yes. Except maybe extreme chocolate brownies. That's ok.

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