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so after work I stopped by the local Burger King to get my mom something and in the drive thru window was a young man

With a fucking huge ass swastika drawn in sharpie on his arm. I was so shocked I couldn't say anything.

Believe me I'll be speaking to the store manager tomorrow

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Nov 6

Enjoy being online again!

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How did the chat with the manager go? I can tell you, as a manager in a corporate location, that kid would have covered up or been sent home for violating dress code.

He got fired by his native american store manager and black assistant manager


You'll be doing that manager a favor. Any manager worth their salt will know that kind of thing is bad for business--where the bottom line beats free speech any day.

Free speech doesnt protect you from consequences of that speech and free speech shouldn't protect blatant genocidal speech.

If anything it should be criminal threat.

@LadyAlyxandrea I wasn't defending the employee, or criticising the checks to "free speech" that businesses sometimes impose. I was just making the point that sometimes businesses come down harder on that kind of thing for purely (ultimately) financial reasons--and that can be a weirdly, sidewise-kind if beneficial occurrence for folks like us who like to see that kind of thing squashed.


It appears I have been blocked by my conservative friend, Im assuming due to me back talking him on this thread. I guess he got triggered lol. Its wierd that my post is still up even though I don't have access to it. I keep getting notifications when someone likes it.

MsAl Level 8 Nov 6, 2018

I don't see anything replying to your comment. Hm

@LadyAlyxandrea I keep getting notifications for likes on this post and there aren't new likes on the reply I have. I had been in a bit of a contentious debate with another poster here but he called me triggered then he disappeared to me a and the thread is gone (to me). I think it's still visible to others though. Just wierd.

It's because you commented on his comment. It's nested.


That kid has made his own bed. In that the only job he can get is working at Burger King.
This reminds me of a post I read on here about a year ago when I first joined. I will try and recall it best that I can with apologies to the original poster.
It was an obituary for a biker friend. The guy was a big man who had a swastika tattooed onto the back of his neck. However in all the years she had known him he had never uttered a racist word. When asked about the tattoo he would simply say "I was a young dumb fuck". When the LA earthquake stuck there was an old jewish lady trapped on the 9th floor of her high rise apartment. This man climbed up and put her over his shoulders and carried her to safety. Before doing so he took the bandana off his head and tied it around her, making a blindfold. Of course full praise was not only given to him for the rescue but for the blindfold. Assuming that he had done so to alleviate the distress of the decent. "No it was not the climb down that I did not want her to see but my stupid ass tattoo".

I agree that not everyone who gets a symbol tatted on them are necessarily in that organisation. For instance the swastika used to be a "spiral cross" which stood for peace and prosperity. So you can't just look at it as a sign of bigotry and hatred. Just like when people see a pentacle, and immediately draw a reaction of fear because of "satanic cults"... It's not about the symbol itself; its the person behind the symbol and how they present that symbol.

@Dillon34 There is a big difference between a pentacle and a swastika. The rhetoric of its past uses in hindu iconology does not wash Im afraid. Just as in words, symbols take on new meaning that will be forever associated with that use. For example, if someone was spreading rumours that you were gay (I mean no offence here). It would not be much of a defence in a slander case for them to say "I meant happy".

@273kelvin claiming that I am gay would only be half right. And I'm not trying to compare a pentacle and a swastika, I'm simply stating that just because a majority of people have been brainwashed to believe that these symbols mean something of evil intent, does not mean that they are.

I can understand that but this kid recently drew it on, indicating that is his current standing, blatantly showing it to every customer in the drive thru. If it was a tattoo and he made some attempt to hide it, maybe I'd hear him out but no. This was no better than nazi saluting me as I left

@Dillon34 actually the swastika for peace and love in Buddhist culture is reverse from the swastika. Therefore a swastika is still and always will be, a symbol of genocide and racism

@Dillon34 also it is not brainwashing. It is a FACT that MILLIONS of people were tortured and murdered under that symbol. It is A SYMBOL OF DEATH AND OPPRESSION regardless of what it once was. It isn't fucking brainwashing it is a God damn fact.

You can't erase history to suit your rhetoric and the fact that you think a swastika is okay, or that today it can mean ANYTHING other than fucking nazism, is disgusting. No one in Europe and America will ever see it as anything less than a symbol of genocide.

How dare you even suggest we forget that.

@Dillon34 I am absolutely sure that there was no confusion in that kids intent when he drew the thing on his arm. Just as in the words "gay" or "chauvinist" the previous meanings are overshadowed and do not count when used in a modern context.

@LadyAlyxandrea I'm not suggesting that we forget anything. I understand the atrocities that were committed under the crimes of the Nazis. I'm not at all saying that the symbol doesn't imply evil actions done in the past and present. I just wanted to say that a symbol is just a symbol. You give it meaning, and you give it power. Do people who wear the swastika support Nazism? Most likely. But is the symbol itself inherently evil? No. I'm not a Nazi sympathizer nor do agree with any of their structures or beliefs. However you can't just say that the swastika itself is Nazism.


Yes .. these ass wipes are venturing out into the light more and more these days. I see them too. ?

@Shelton yep


Do the survey on the receipt. There is a spot to type in spe ific grievances. Negative responses go straight to the manager and the district headquarters. They do care. They jump quick for survey results.

MsAl Level 8 Nov 6, 2018

Thank you President Tiny Trump (according to Stormy)!!! Already bringing America down again! LOL

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