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I wonder how long Georgians are going to have to wait before we get to vote on legalizing marijuana? I can't shake the feeling that Georgia will be the last state in the Union to legalize. I wonder if it'll even happen in my lifetime.

KKGator 9 Nov 6

Enjoy being online again!

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You are probably right. Too many Georgians are indoctrinated with limited thinking abilities. New information doesn't reach the brain. It's human too. What is put in, comes out.

Gert Level 7 Nov 10, 2018

My nightmare prediction- I think Trump will legalize it early 2020 then win.

MsAl Level 8 Nov 6, 2018

Oh gawd. That would be awful. I'd rather it stayed illegal.

@KKGator I thought of this early on but I'v hear him float it. I really think nationwide legalization is coming, Its just how progress works. He could be the one to do it.


Voting today in Michigan!!
I can't believe it!
I cried this morning because my mom isn't around to see it. It would have been a very big thing for her.

MsAl Level 8 Nov 6, 2018

You might be right.

If smoking weed is that important to you, you can always move.

BD66 Level 8 Nov 6, 2018

No, I really can't, but hey, thanks for the suggestion. I never would have thought of moving if you hadn't mentioned it.

It's not about smoking weed being "that important" to me. Why would you even say such a thing? Were you being facetious? Or were you being a judgmental tool?

It's about the laws surrounding it being nonsense and never rooted in any kind of fact.
It was criminalized for purely political and straight-up racist reasons. Not for the falsely-stated "public interest" reasons the government has been using since they made it illegal.
It's also about lost revenue, which the states desperately need.

It's important enough to some people to move. I thought that might apply to you as well.

@BD66 It's never a good idea to assume anything about anyone.


No...ALABAMA will be the KNOW that GOD told them its evil.

and besides, having it be legal will cut into their bathtub meth production profits..... 😉


I think with Atlanta, you can count on being ahead of Alabama and Mississippi. I could see a group of five or so states doing nothing until the federal government acts.


I disagree. While I do think it will be a southern state to be the last, I think it will be Tennessee or Kentucky...just b/c the corporate lobbiest are making so much on the opioid epidemic running rampant through both of these states. Mississippi and Alabama is bad also, but the agricultural payoff is there for legalization (hemp more profitable than cotton), so won't be as contested.

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