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OK - I stood in line for over one-hour, took 10 minutes to vote and get my sticker. The line wove its way through the halls of Trinity Presbyterian Church, complete with an organ recital. Our ballot is two-sided, so it took longer than expected to fill in the little circles. Lots of local issues, plus the Senate race and three questions concerning marijuana. I am usually number 125 or so when I vote. Today at 4:00, I was number 808. And that does not count the machine voting that was also taking place in the precinct. From the line that had formed behind me, I will be surprised if the count did not go over 1,100. The polls are open for two and one-half hours and people are still getting off from work.

SageDave 7 Nov 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I filled out my ballot at home at the kitchen table while wearing pajamas and petting the cats. Then I dropped it in the ballot box when I went to work. Love Oregon's vote by mail!

Remi Level 7 Nov 7, 2018

That sucks, having to wait so long. I live in Australia and it takes us perhaps 15 minutes from the time we we get to the voting stations till we get out, and voting is compulsory here. They really do not want yo to vote there seems like to me.


2 sides ballot? That's a good amount. I do machine voting not paper.

I did paper here. I have done machine before but this was too long to stand in another line for the one computer.

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