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Really, Texas? Sigh...

AtheistReader 7 Nov 6

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Unless Tx public education has changed dramatically since I lived there this doesn't surprise me.
They are also, after all, the state that dictates what future textbooks are out there since they buy the most, so they're chock full 'o derp.
I had to go to college to wash off my Daddy's politics.

It hasn't, and my understanding is other states buy the same crap text books that Texas does because Texas buys them.

@Sticks48 Exactly! Really scary!
Shit I learned more from Comedy Central's "Drunk History" than my entire Texas public school education!

@Qualia That would be true. In the 90's I looked at a high school history book, and it had one fairly short paragraph about the entire Vietnam War. Unfuckingbelievable!

@Sticks48 I had to learn about Nazi Germany from PBS one summer vacation at my uncle's! 1978?
I was 14? Disgusting!

Really sad too history books that leave out Claudette Colvin & Sybil Ludington! Thanks Drunk History! JFC!

@Qualia I love drunk history.


Ken, I'm disappointed as well! Bleh!?????


What about it? Texas is embarrassing. It's my home state.....

Cruz. Still.

@KenChang Dangit! I'm not surprised. Texas is just messed up.....

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