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OK not to rain on anyone's parade but I'm going to take a contrarian position about tonight's election results.

No, I'm not a Republican or a Libertarian or a Bernie-or-bust progressive. I'm a reasonable human being, but one who is deeply troubled that after two years of Trump's perfidy and the GOP's complicity in it; after establishing concentration camps on the southern border (and yes, gentle reader, they meet the legal definition of the term); after suggesting we ought to shoot unarmed refugees and that anyone opposing trump is attempting to foment violent rebellion; after Trump's meeting with Putin in Helsinki and his excusing of the dismemberment and death of a journalist by the Saudis; after gutting the EPA and leaving the Paris Accord; after Trump's base hasn't eroded ONE BIT ...

After ALL THAT and MUCH MORE, all we get is a bunch of "squeaker" wins (and losses), a sort of "blue bathtub wave", and console ourselves with control of the House, we have no impressive candidate to put up against Trump in 2020, and progressives still struggle to gain control of the Democratic Party from corporate "centrists"?

Forgive me if I'm not upbeat tonight.

This should have been a fucking BLOWOUT. Sane candidates should have walked away with 80% of the vote, if not more. The inmates clearly rule the asylum.

In fact my wife and I just had a very sober and serious conversation about moving to Canada, while we still can.

There, I said it.

I don't recognize my country of origin anymore.I haven't for a long time, but tonight I'm especially bummed. Tonight confirmed all my worst fears.

This situation didn't begin with Trump and won't end with him. We like to say we're better than this. Well guess what, we aren't. We've become a nation that not only is Stoopid enough to elect Trump, we're not sure it's a good idea to try to get rid of him. Even Democrats don't want "premature" talk of impeachment, despite that there's way more basis for it than there was for Clinton or even Nixon.

Sorry folks but I expected more of my fellow citizens than this tripe.

I am grateful for all who worked, some of you heroically, for a better outcome than this. No disrespect to any of my compatriots in that endeavor. I am just not sure we can survive this anymore.

mordant 8 Nov 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Well said. The only positive from last night was progressives and non old white men got a foot in the door! Two Muslim women were elected, a Native American, I believe at least two LGBTQ candidates took offices, as Colorado governor and I believe a representative. Pennsylvania sent more women to Congress than ever before. Progressives won seats in New York. So, while I am disappointed we could not get the senate from the reTuglicans, we got one branch. This is not going to help us avoid probably at least one more Trump appointed Supreme Court Justice. And McConnell has already announced that they are going to be rubber stamping conservative justice appointments throughout the system. So matter what we do in the next general election, the courts will lean white conservative for decades to come. His holding out appointments during the entire Obama administration is paying off big time!


I feel very good about gaining the house.. Took a long time to fuck up this country, so it will take some time to fix. With more women involved it should be easier... ?


The USA has plenty of people who would make excellent Presidents but the system you have for chosing and electing candidates is such that only the wealthiest or those who can appeal to the lowest common denominator are able to stand. While slow change is probably inevitable, the current system is unlikely to produce a good candidate soon.

I think we rejected the rare exception to that rule in Bernie Sanders. He's not wealthy (arguably upper middle class, but his net worth is leveraged enough that I'm certain it's negligible). He appealed to the better angels of people's natures. But ... since we in this country mostly don't know the difference between a communist, a socialist, a democratic socialist and a fascist, he is discarded as a scary old Jew who wants to take away our rugged individualism. Also he's another grumpy old white guy so most minority groups can't see past that, and arguably in some ways shouldn't. Also he's not a photogenic pretty boy like Beto O'Rourke.


I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said. I’m an Aussie but am still absolutely gobsmacked at the state of affairs in America, sadly same thing is beginning to happen here. ?


I hear you and agree. No answer fits other than we have become a nation full of hatred. Or stupidity.


Fight the gerrymandering of the house and senate in favour of rural areas. That's the Democrats best bet.

@Veteran229 I think he's referring to the gerrymandering of Senate and House districts.


People don't give a shit as long as they have cheap gas and the freedom of choice between watching American Idol or The Voice. I am both ashamed and regret I sacrificed 6 years of my life in the Marine Corps for the citizens and government of this country.


ameriKKKa being ameriKKKa... leave while you are able before the wall to keep you in is erected.


You are not alone, friend.

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