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It would be nice to have gay friend i can just be & act gay with in public. Sometimes i just wannabe a queen. A friend that can make me feel comfortible doing that in public would be awesome.

Rebelution 3 Nov 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Iā€™m sorry you are isolated. Can you take a trip to a metropolitan area?

UUNJ Level 8 Nov 8, 2018

I get ur point & i am grtfull for what I have & where I am. Boise IS changing & fast. It is now a deep city in a purple valley full of booming cities. Rainbow flags are popping up all over DT Boise since Gay Pride this summer. Its gr8, but I still need a change of scenery & a new home where i can get a hot date & be surrounded by the lgbt community. I also need a place that i can afford & be happy.

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