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If you were GOD, what are the first three things you would change?

fearlas 6 Nov 8

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Trump could never tell a lie.

Whatever my wife wants.


Find a nice out of the way cottage
Move my family and my dogs in
Make myself human and have everyone forget there was ever such a thing as a god


Wipe out the muslims.
Eliminate hunger and suffering
Show myself to the world

  1. Introduce myself and apologise.
  2. Vaporize all the scumbags out there
  3. Change the laws of nature so that all have plenty
  4. Watch the party unfold

I'd wipe out everyone/everything and start over with just the earth and animals. Maybe add people at a later date but there's a good chance I'd just let the animals develop on their own.


There isn't one, I don't want that power. I would just remind people what they are capable of when they work together and just to be kind.


I will create a heaven and a tunnel from earth to it. And let everyone visit the heaven once for a month and deport them back and then tell everything that is required to stay in the heaven forever. LoL. I am just happy not being a God but a fallible human.

  1. I'd go public instead of hiding somewhere in outer space. This would put an end to blind faith and support evidence-and-reason-based knowledge.
  2. I'd get rid of Hell. If I, a god, could not convince people to be good, the fault is mine.
  3. I'd tell people to stop worshiping me. People don't need to grovel at my feet. Just stand up and give me a hug.
  1. My underwear, I do that daily.
  2. Get rid of the caps on over the counter medicines that neither children nor adults can get into.
  3. Get rid of daylight savings time.

I'd dismantle organized religion and make it well known that if you use my name for any cause other than telling someone else how much you're enjoying sex right now, I'd send an angel down to destroy you on the spot.

That'd probably be the only thing I changed, unfortunately the rest people need to work out on their own.


First, I get rid of Evangelicals. Second, I'd get rid of Evangelicals. And FINALLY, I'd get rid of Evangelicals.


With how the human race has conducted itself, I'd resign.......

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