What do you take pride in?
Take pride in? I am happy to be able to explain complex scientific processes. I love it when somebody says: aha, so that's how that works.
The thing I've taken the most consistent pride in is the quality of my work. To me there's nothing like perfecting a bit of software. Just today I took a query that was hitting the database about 90,000 times a minute, tweaked the call a bit to do the sort on the client instead of on the server, and that got about 17% of the query cost off the server, for an overall performance gain of about 25%. For some strange reason I find that sort of thing (pun slightly intended!) to be incredibly satisfying and meaningful. Go figure. We software people are mostly insane, as you can imagine.
More conventionally, I'm very proud of my wife and [grand]children and siblings. I hold them all very dear, and for good reason. Of course they sometimes worry or disappoint -- they are human after all -- but I also take pride in looking at the big picture and not forgetting their virtues when they occasionally display their vices. Sometimes they even return the favor! Especially the little ones; they haven't learned to be cynical yet. I hope they never do.
The way my kids and grandkids have turned out, though that is probably more to be credited to my wife than I
I'm still standing. I am self sufficient. My children are grown and good people. I did more good than bad .
I got to see some of the world .