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With all this politics about global warming--one elephant in the room: Why do city planners keep cutting down trees, to be replaced mostly with "aesthetic" grass? (At the same time scientists are looking for artificial ways to remove carbon dioxide)

Rinker33 3 Nov 9

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Have you watched South park S22E06?
The gave a big "I'm sorry" for how they treated global warming on season 6 (yes 16 years ago), at the same time they give the best metaphore on how people treat global warming with the scene of the douche guy in the restaurant.
On the same page, they show people just wanting to escape this difficult reality finding a scape-goat and going to play some game (they use RDR2 as the up to date example).
It is worthy watching, I thing it is the first time they clearly regreted and asked forgiveness so clearly.


At least, it's not 'astro-turf'! Back in the 'eighties, I ran over a PLASTIC 'shrub' in a Hardee's parking lot, in a small Alabama town. I was a truckdriving school student at the time, in a Kenworth, with an instructor, and several other students. The instructor said " I didn't see that! Did any of you other boys see that?" "Nope!" they replied; and off we went! I noticed that many of the fast food restaurants down there had plastic grass, and plastic bushes.


Because we life in an lobbyocracy.


We will need everything possible to stay alive.

They seem to keep the tree count pretty high in Seattle. It's one of the things I like about it here.

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