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My kitchen is partially underground and it's cool. I got distracted a day ago and left 2 slices of pizza (to re heat) in the toaster oven. I know my answer, but would you still eat them?

Ron_R 7 Nov 9

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No, but to be honest, I have done that myself and taken a bite just to see how dried out it was.


Maybe this will answer your question. I just bought a bag of mozzarella cheese. Its November and it says it will stay good until February 2019. Lol that shit can't be real!


Go ahead. If we haven't heard from you in a week or so, we can assume it didn't go very well.


Yes. Food waste is not good


Please check in and let us know what you decided...and if you're okay. 😉


For me it would depend on the toppings... Actually... I probably wouldn't... But I have friends who never refrigerate their pizza for a day or two. I guess the secret is ordering so much extra cheese it seals all the goodness inside! 😉


Sprinkle some garlic powder on them and they'd be history.


What's is your vitamin D level? Lol.


If it was an organic pizza I would throw it out. If it was mainstream pizza, it probably has so many preservatives in it, it will probably out live you! Also, the cool environment would play a big part in decision.?


I do it all the time...never been sick...but if you are even the least bit concerned, don't...your tolerance might not be the same as mine...


How did you manage to get to 54 years .LOL


Anything with a tomato-based sauce is gonna deteriorate quickly at anything approaching room temp. You may or may not get ill, but it's definitely crawling with bacteria.

So you gotta answer that question for yourself. How much do you like that pizza? Lol


Do you still have the box it came in.

If there are twenty ingredients you can't pronounce you will likely not die.

But can't you get something else to eat?

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