What is it that makes humans still think that God and heaven and hell exists. One of the biggest things that I can honestly say about religion is that it should catagoically be removed from the education system. And kids should be free to believe in what they want. I for one refuse to confirm to the idea the god is the creator of us.
If children are free to believe in what they want, is it okay for them to believe in God, or that dark forces behind the government run the world, or that dogs will ultimately become the dominant life form on the planet and therefore should be acknowledged as such, just as examples. Or should children be channeled into a set of norms that someone, somewhere, approves of?
@darien75 interesting. What guidance do you think they need in the first instance to start them on the road to discovery?
@darien75 what if they question parental authority, or more correctly, if they decide parental authority doesn’t work for them?
@darien75 what about if they decide that social authority doesn’t work for them?
@darien75 so if they develop anarchic or unlawful behaviour it’s okay that they are penalised according to the law of thei environment that they are acting in.
It is a lack of coherent thought, although often highly compartmentalized via special pleading. Sure most people can reason deductively but they have more motivation to do so when it suits them, than when it doesn't. People usually don't want to reason clearly about their mortality because they're afraid of it. They'd rather borrow an ideology that tells them superficially comforting lies.
Most don't think...raised to give up thinking...just have faith, do away with reason. Just have faith.....don't question, just have faith....believe in god, just have faith.. when that has been pounded in for years and years and you're made to believe that damnation everlasting is the punishment for not believing and having faith....then many just have faith.
There have always been con men some better than others to prey on the fears of humans from day one it seems. I would like to see religion removed from the earth and watch the progress that would occur. We now have an over populated world with religion wanting more children so they have more followers.It appears religion is not through bringing ignorance and wrath to the world.
Because it gives structure to what can seem a non-sensical existence. Whether there is or isn’t is irrelevant. Belief creates a form and function to live by. Do you believe that you love or is it a convenient tribal bonding strategy?
I think people who put all their eggs in the religion basket do so because 1) they are passive and don’t want to hold themselves responsible for the choices that put them in a situation (“It’s god’s will&rdquo, 2) it’s easier to “pray” for someone and forget about it than to actually help someone (“ I will say a prayer for you&rdquo
, and 3) it’s easier to believe that someone will pay for their “sins” by going to hell than to just accept that shit happens to all of us.
I love a quote of Carl Sagan’s:
The universe is neither hostile nor friendly, but simply indifferent.
That is more than most people can swallow.
And I have no clue why there’s a winking emoticon in my post. Must be the combination of a quote mark and parentheses. I learned something new today!
@damien75 I love the injection of Sherlock Holmes! So very true.
Look for a second at the big picture. Christians, who do hold that all three are real, may seem to dominate in the western world especially the US today, but though they are the largest single group they are not the majority world wide. Many among them do not believe in all three, many more people here in the UK and Europe see themselves as post Christian, early Jewish thinking did not include heaven and hell, they do not have meaning for Buddhist, Hindu or many early religions, perhaps the vast majority of people never held all three to be true. Human thinking is very flexible and changes all the time. There is hope yet.
@damien75 Good idea, especially the photos, but ask them to tell you how you can replicate the photos, and certainly do not trust eye witness, that is the least of all evidence. I find the big three are quite fascinating myself, and often wonder about the fact that all three came from the harsh desert regions of the world where nature is at its most hostile, and I wonder if it is that lack of basic kindness in the environment that makes a cruel human like god seem so acceptable there. Rich complex hinduism came from the lush green plains of India, and Buddism though founded there found its natural home in the cool clean northern lands north of the Hymalias.
It was removed from my schooling experience back in the 80s. Did they put it in after that?
@damien75 That’s a bit crazy. I don’t think we have that problem here.