Anybody who watches TBN all the time should get their head examined.
CBN not TBN but similar story> > > >
Decades ago I cam home from college to find my mother was very frightened. Terrified, she asked me to try to figure out what was going on and showed me the 9" black and white television. She was watching TBN and they were selling the (END OF THE WORLD! SINNERS (everybody) REPENT and GIVE US ALL YOU MONEY OR DIE and burn in hell forever because god will be angry with you if your don't serve him by giving us all your money) because JESUS is returning and if god is not happy with you. . . .
Took me a few hours to convince her CBN was horse shit.
This (scaring my mother) was a major factor in my transition from a simple atheist (not believing the positive faith (asserted without evidence) claim of a god to an anti-theist (one that works to expose the falsehood of faith based claims by cults to promote their finances and political power).
What is TBN?
Christian Propaganda.
I was wrong thank's inderect76 I was thinking CBN
Christian Brainwashing Network
@NoMagicCookie I thought they just played old movies on that channel. I haven’t had cable in quite a while so I have no idea what’s on there. What is it now?
@indirect76 Thanks for correcting me
Christian Brainwashing Network
@NoMagicCookie ?? It’s TBN not CBN. Now you’re changing the letters.
@indirect76 Correct, I corrected myself. and thanked your for point out my mistake. How did you not understand that?
I ask what TBN is
You answer
I asked what is on TBN(not correcting anything)
You say thanks for the correction and change the letters
I’m very confused.
Perhaps @jproad could answer this simple question.
@indirect76 TCM is Turner Classic Movies. That's the movie channel.
Trinity Broadcasting Network. A fundamentalist network seen on cable systems and over the air stations.