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I would take back George W. Bush in a heartbeat over Donald J. Trump.

DoDapper 8 Nov 10

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Problem was, it wasn’t ‘george bush jr,’ it was President Cheney ...and he did a lot of damage.. At least trump is a known quantity, and, he’s destroying the Republican Party we type 🙂

Varn Level 8 Nov 11, 2018

He's erased the concept of a moderate Republican, but after the midterm election especially, the Republicans in office are increasingly his devotees. His statements approaching and immediately after the election were clear: in the current "GOP", you either kiss the ring or are put out in the cold.

@DoDapper The reality of a moderate republican disappeared with Reagan … and included me. Let them kiss his ass, and go down with his ship ~


My stepson would argue rather passionately that Bush was as bad, even worse, in that he could construct a facade of civility while promoting basically the same policies using dog whistles instead of ham-fisted proclamations and tweets, and with an entirely covert, rather than overt, courting of the seedier elements of the conservative world (e.g., white nationalists and neo-Nazis). He would even argue that Clinton would have done the same thing while disingenuously claiming to be liberal.

I take his point but have to agree that if I could press a magic button to have either Clinton or even Bush over the Citrus Caligula -- I would. All that matters to me is that the erosion of democratic norms and institutions has geometrically accelerated under Trump, and I'll take the slower approach to THAT any day.

...dang, he had it right ..up to Clinton ~


I was JUST having this conversation yesterday! But I am also with @cutiebeauty in that I would accept a monkey at this point. Their attention span is longer than Trump's and their mental cognition is about 100 points higher too!

However... Some might argue that we already have a monkey in the white house since Bill Maher did draw the comparison to the orange Orangutan... He DOES look like a close relative.


I would accept a monkey...


this, really?

Yes, I would definitively prefer that over Trump.


When the Efff are we going to get rid of that orange gooooon????!!!!

@DoDapper - He is going to go DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!


@DoDapper - Burn this sorry SOB to the ground.


George Bush again? With or without?

Ungod Level 6 Nov 11, 2018

With or without what?

@DoDapper the w...

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