Some smart people think the moon landing was faked. They argue how did the shuttle get back? I'm not a rocket scientist. What do you think?
A conspiracy theory is only theory till its proven. There are many things our country has done or not done and lied about it and many conspiracies that were absolutely proven to be true after people laughed at those who talked about them. . Its more those lies and the subterfuge of our govt that makes people disbelieve them. Shoot my rule is that if the govt says probably IS a lie. A guy below said it very smartly...use your own best judgement.
A conspiracy theory is only theory till its proven. There are many things our country has done or not done and lied about it and many conspiracies that were absolutely proven to be true after people laughed at those who talked about them. . Its more those lies and the subterfuge of our govt that makes people disbelieve them. Shoot my rule is that if the govt says probably IS a lie. A guy below said it very smartly...use your own best judgement.
I have a friend like that in Australia. Perfectly reasonable when it comes to any and everything else but when it comes to the moon landing he's totally convinced it was faked and there is nothing you can say to contradict him.
Why do you think it was faked. Oh yes other people put forward their theories and you are sucked in because they put forward such convincing evidence of what they think happened...look for yourself...if its true well done...if its not well done. but look for yourself and not through the eyes of others...
How do I effectively counter comments like, "Why haven't we been back?" My best snarky comeback was,"There was no oil there, why would we go back?"
Then it's - why haven't China or Russia been there? Once again, "China and Russia need oil too."
My counter comment is that the Moon is nothing but a gigantic slag heap. You see one part of it , you've seen it all. One of the Apollo astronauts described it as "Magnificent desolation"
Then again it's fairly obvious with some of these trolls that there's a religious mentality behind such ignorance. It's mostly centered around the strange belief that the earth is flat. This ties in with their comments about the moon landing being fake. The reasoning goes something like this. The Bible is the 'Sacred Word of God' and therefore it's world view is the correct one. Anything scientific research that contradicts this world view is therefore false. Their ignorance is remarkable.
Surprisingly he's an atheist. He got sucked into conspiracy theories though. He thought Kennedy was killed by the government for his position on civil rights.
Well first of all they're not smart people. You come across them and their opinions mostly on Utube were they troll scientific sites including NASA and scientific sites in general. Their comments are so inane (stupid) I've come to the conclusion that they are just trolls making 'fake moon landing' and 'flat earth comments just to create mischief. No one could be that stupid to actually believe that the Apollo moon landings are fake , or that the earth is flat. Could they ?
They didn't take a shuttle to the moon. That's their first mistake. They took a rocket with a landing pod. There was a command module that stayed in orbit over the moon. The landing pod had thrusters to take it back to the command module which then returned to earth.