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Our father was diagnosed with dementia and the begging stages of Alzheimers. I'm not quite sure how to deal with it.

HeathenWoman 6 Nov 12

Enjoy being online again!

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It is very hard to deal with any debilitating illness such as this; give all the love you can and try to make life as easy as you can for this person.


My dad’s in the same boat. For now, he’s happy. His money is secured (my sister is his fiduciary), so we don’t have to worry about him being taken advantage of by anyone.

UUNJ Level 8 Nov 13, 2018

Read. Read up as much as you can on his particular variety of Alzheimer's - there are many different sub-types, and each can have a different pathway. Forewarned is forearmed. And yeah, communicate with others in your situation - it's good to feel like you're not going through this alone.


Sorry to hear that.


I believe there ts a chat room specifically related to this. If not, try looking at meet up and Facebook support groups for local contacts and group meetings.

Yeah but I don't want to get swamped with "Pray to and he'll fix it"


I am very sorry to read this ?
my best words to u will be get togheter with rest of family and anyone who is involve with his condition . His safety will become your number one priority as well the safety of environment and people around him .
Dear , your father might forgot or going to forget his own name . He might forget his past and he might not understand his present . Frustration and restleness it might be a part of his life in the future . ALL U NEED TO REMEBER , is still him . If words can't be found , then touch his hand often . When the mind and our memories go away , our personality changes . But even then , look at simple things that u know he always liked . The favorite foods . The favorite songs . The favorite rituals . And the favorite tough of his loved ones . And offer those .

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