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Is it safe to drink and post here? I get to drinking, and I get to thinking. Religion seems to me likened to--hmmm (how should I put this) "artificial morality". You can program artificial intelligence to pattern your commands; isn't that what all religions attempts to do?

Pbpierson2 7 Nov 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Maybe a coordinated drinking analysis debate is in order ?


Religion is an anti-depressant for people who can't generate enough feel-good hormones by living life like a healthy organism ought to do.
What it does is tell people they are sick and broken and weak - and priests have the cure, available at the low cost of your faculties, your money and erstwhile servitude when called upon.

But I digress. Religion is not so much artificial morality as it is delusional authority. Everybody has some form of morality. What religion does is it makes deluded people think they can make an argument from authority; peddling their personal morality as "god's morality", which trumps your morality.

Some like the ability of surrendering the responsibility of having to make choices.


Go ahead! We're all bozos on this bus.


Clearly not


There are programs you can install that try and stop you using social media when drunk. It works like a password but will ask you to solve an arithmetic problem or something easily done when sober but harder when inebriated.
As for religion? it is a form of social control. For example sexual morality is there to try and ensure the guys will be bringing up there own kids not unwittingly someone else's

@irascible Both sexes are genetically programed for infidelity. This helps ensure a wider gene pool. Religion, being a male construct tries to restrict this. So that a man will not waste his life's resources on cuckoos

@Pbpierson2 Rout origin of the word cuckold is cookoo, so its just your english language brain working


Intriguing idea.

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