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Something I learned from Halloween: Hershey "chocolate" is really vile stuff.

Secretguy 7 Nov 15

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I live in Chocolatetown, USA...aka Hershey...I could smell the Reeses PB cups being made and after dozens of trips to the factory with friends and family, playing tour guide, I can tell you, that I totally agree...the chocolate is fine for kids and those who do not yet have a discerning palate for good is good at the price level for mass consumption...but, good is not.

They have expanded into a higher priced chocolate that seems acceptable...that is, if you like chocolate, which...I really don't. 🙂


It becomes excruciatingly clear after about the 1st pound.


Hershey’s is trash chocolate, even my kids know that. I’ll eat Cadbury’s from Canada but Cadbury’s in America is nowhere near as good. Europe still has the best chocolate and fairly easy to get.


It's like candle wax but wth less flavor.


Granulated. That's the only word for it. Lindt is preferable.

(Christmas is coming make a note - I prefer Milk Chocolate btw.).


In America, the only good chocolate I've found is Godiva, and it's insanely expensive. But, after a lifetime of bad chocolate, it's worth every cent.


Haven't touched milk chocolate in years.


For me, here in the UK, Galaxy chocolate is the yummiest. I also found American chocolate unpleasant but of course it’s what you’re used to I expect.


Nestle is even worse!


I eat only dark chocolate, so there's a step up. More brands out there.


I tried it when I visited America. Now I know what chocolate vomit tastes like. Revolting stuff

@Gurahl try Belgian chocolate if you can get hold of it where you are. Yorkies are common in the UK, but IMO Cadbury Fairly Milk is nicer.


i learned that by tasting it. ick. even if i am hungry i say no to that!



When I was little and being regularly subjected to Hollywood films, as many of us in the rest of the world so often are, I so frequently heard Hershey's products eulogised by the characters therein that I imagined it must be some sort of divine chocolate from heaven.

When I was about 21, it began to appear regularly in English shops and I bought some, expecting a rapturous experience. However, from the very first taste it was apparent that Hershey's is in fact shite, and our chocolate is much, much better.

Jnei Level 8 Nov 15, 2018

Awgawd that stuff is an insult. It's nothing but oil. ?

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