Still having connectivity issues. Kids are supposed to help tomorrow thoughts in order: connectivity issues means not relating well to the world. Kids helping means you feel they would give you a sense of purpose. Tomorrow means you are looking forward to giving birth to twins tomorrow to give your life purpose. Then I thought: Probably not what you meant. And I chuckled. But I swear I am at least mostly sane.
This was the third post I made in the last two days. My computer is having issues staying connected to the WiFi. It is the weirdest thing I've encountered recently. My kids are all adults and some of them are true computer geeks and work in IT. I am hopeful that they will figure out a solution to this issue today because it is really making me batty!! Thanks for your feedback, I was really cryptic. Twins though? One at a time was Puhlenty! My life has purpose, not only are my kids adults, but they made me a Grammy!