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For all math lovers out there.....
When does 10 x 2 = 2 x 11? ?

UPDATE: Mystery solved. Don't waste your time and then hate me for it. The winner is Humanistheathen, see response below. Trivia is CLOSED

IamNobody 8 Nov 18

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Please explain.

See Humanistheathen response. Thanks for playing

@IamNobody So, it is a trick then.

@Jolanta more like a joke, yes

@IamNobody Great for a moment I thought that my maths ability has declined.

@Jolanta ?????


When 10 in the expression on the left is base 3, and 11 in the expression on the right is base 2.

@bingst Sorry, ace for effort but it wasn't meant to be that complicated. It's a joke. Please see Humanistheathen response. Thanks for playing

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