3 15

Ha! This made me smirk.

Nottheonlyone 7 Nov 19

Enjoy being online again!

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?? I may or may not have snorted when I laughed at this


Hmmmm. My reaction is a bit varied. Guess I am still a recovering catholic... 🙂


An interesting piece of trivia. A person cannot be nailed and suspended with nails driven through their hands. The tissue would immediately rip through, bifurcating the hand and dropping the person to the ground. In order to work, the person in question needed to be nailed through the wrist behind the palm. The stigmata is erroneous based on anatomy.

Not to add to the morbidity, but my undeserving was that the victim's wrists were tied with ropes and that was what held their weight. Where does this "understanding" come from, I don't know. Probably various paintings of the crucifixion, or Christian movies I watched as a kid.

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