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Having just received a shocker of a haircut/beard trim, leaving me looking like an aging KGB agent - what's the worst haircut you've had? Photos if you're brave enough...

MrBeelzeebubbles 7 Nov 19

Enjoy being online again!

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More like a lack of haircut here. Scary enough for you?

Ha! Snap. Did lack of haircut for a while, too.

@MrBeelzeebubbles , life was easier back them wasn't it?

@chucklesIII Bloody oath! Didn't go to a barber/hairdresser for 13 years!


You look fine

Thanks, but I'm a vain, petty man having a tanty.


It was awful. I’ve been growing it out for years

Gee... Linda Blair???

@IamNobody yes, sir! I actually had a really good conversation with her that lasted about 20 minutes. She has a rescue for Chow Chows in California and I was giving her grooming tips as they are a somewhat difficult breed.

@Leeshi wow that's a great story !!!!!

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